In this SDG Talks podcast we hear more about Corina Shika Kwami's journey and experiences working on infrastructure, health and tech projects from over 10 countries…
In this SDG Talks with Kelsey Zlevor, we discuss urban planning, the impact of COVID-19 on public spaces, and how the urban framework plays a significant role in th…
SDG Talks presents a mini-series collaborating with UNLEASH Hacks USA around homelessness. In this first episode, we discuss homelessness from a unique perspective;…
Christopher Moss is a Nature Based Solutions (NBS) expert currently working at the United Kingdom Green Building Council on their Nature, Biodiversity and Climate R…
Dr. JeongHyun Lee is an ICTD Fellow at the United Nations University Institute in Macau. Her research seeks to critically examine political and ethical issues aroun…
We know the next cyclone is coming, but what are we going to do about it? How we can design cities and communities to withhold, sustain, and thrive in uncertain cl…
Is compromise good or bad when trying to accomplish a more equitable community for everyone ? Welcome back SDG Talkers!! Thanks for joining us for another episode o…
SDG Talks presents a mini-series collaborating with UNLEASH Hacks USA around homelessness. In this third episode with Steven Samra, we take a deep dive into the cha…
Thiago Jesus is a senior project manager at People’s Palace Projects, an arts organisation based at Queen Mary University of London, working on cross-cultural initi…
SDG Talks presents a mini-series collaborating with UNLEASH Hacks USA around homelessness. In this second episode, we discuss issues of homelessness with Shelby Fre…
Ombretta Androff is an Italian-born, Miami-based freelance curator and climate activist with more than twenty years of curatorial expertise with an international p…
Are you a social entrepreneur with a well tested idea who needs help bringing it to the next level? UNLEASH Plus could be the place for you! Welcome back SDG Talker…